TotalAV™ is rated as a Top Product by AV-Test

Our flagship Antivirus TotalAV™ has been rated as a Top Product for the second time, in the latest January and February review by AV-Test.

During January and February 2021 AV-Test continuously evaluated 21 home user security products using their default settings. AV-Test is an independent research institute for IT security, based in Germany. For more than 15 years, they have guaranteed quality-assuring comparison and individual tests of virtually all internationally relevant IT security products.


Windows Top Product
Feb 2021


“We focused on realistic test scenarios and challenged the products against real-world threats.“


TotalAV™ was reviewed again on its ability to protect against malware infections, the influence of the product on computer speed and the impact of the product on the usability of the whole computer.

Once again TotalAV™ scored near perfect in all categories, this accolade validates the efforts of our team who have worked hard to continually improving our product and service.


April is Stress Awareness Month


TotalAV™ for Mac is Certified by AV-Test